Monday, November 30, 2009


dear bloggy how are you?
i'm having an enormous shock from 1hr 30 mins ago.. RED RED RED.. BLOOD...
omg that movie! ninja assasin. "nice..!" was that a sincere compliment? i can say so.. but it was a bloody-ish movie that likely grilled my meat.. i have no idea what the heck i'm talking about.. bloggy bloggy...*ruffles head. my world full of fakeness..(was that a word?!) hid my face.. hid my feelings.. even every action i made was in control.. barely in my mind that.. someone was judging me. past is past.. but why it kept haunting me? inhale exhale.. blinking every sec of life.. it's not normal for me.. something bothers me. seriously.. i don't know who i am. i'm still searching the 'lost-me'.. i've lost something precious.. i wondered what could it be..

ENTER ENTER.. every text.. "huhh.." i have no idea what i'm typing about.. is this the way how i treat myself?.. my vision suddenly blurred.. i realise that.. i am sleepy.. soo bloggy dear.. may i make my way to my sweet little chamber? *sigh
good night. =)

Saturday, November 28, 2009


SORRY! because i took a long time to update what i've been up to these few months.
SORRY! because of the SHR celebration.
SORRY! for everything..

it's been a long time, what i've experienced, i've learned.. i've seen and heard.. have filled my days with blissful moments.. am i growing up soo fast? today i'm 16 the next thing i know.. i have kids.. life is wonderful.. wasn't it?

i changed my motto.. i changed my point of view.. for all i know.. i was acting weirdly childish these few years.. i can only say what i know.. not what i observed from other human being. i got it now.. life is not easy as we thought..

"never give-up" that words kept haunting me. it was true though.. we can't give-up once we started.. well not everybody does that now.. we manage to solve the problems.. but when we had the solutions.. our lips are sealed.. funny? no.. still this puzzled my mind. do i have time to think about this? NO.. why bother? cause this may occur me in the future.. what am i talking about? i don't know.. but in my world everything seems possible.. and logical.. hehe. *laugh to myself..
even i do sometimes confuse with my own behaviour.. so that's all for now.
and yeah BTW.
-i got new netball team.. FLY HIGH! super-cool new team.. we are new and we are willing to learn. me and some of our my friends nisa, nor, ezah and atul are caleed baby FH. sweet right? =)
-kaka roy andd her hubby went for a haj. wish them have a wonderfull journey.
last but not least.. it's the end of school term.. and now we're having our school holiday.. soo happy holiday.. hehe. ciao!
qasrina'the 3rd

Sunday, September 6, 2009

it's fasting month, soo far soo good.
even i think this is unnecessary to do, but i do want to ask.. why i'm the one who always give up in a relationship? Was it always my fault? Is this my kinda 'thing'? The one who people blame to? I dont get it, i did everything to ease people.. It turns out the opposite of it. It's puasa.. ya allah.. Only if they knew what i felt.. I wont blame them. N never would. suddenly i felt im in primary school again. It's okeyy, maybe the best thing to do.. Just.. To keep in silent, or maybe not.
Happy ramadhan to all.

I never judge youu, how you acts, what you do. If i made mistake, evevrybody does, thanks for being there for me. Happy ramadhan, and be happy always =)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

hey semuaaa..
hee, today kami ada small celebration didalam class tadi, amal brought pizza as she promised us, yummy!! and yeah, yesterday 10th august 2009 i'll remember it as long as i'm alive, wahh. really.. though at first it torn myheart, but i realised that it was my faults too. and i would never find anyone to replace them.. thanks ichah, eff khae, emm and bee. hee. anyway tadi eff tekajut like brabiss. haha it was funny, she scream like in a movie with the hands, ya knoww.. haha. thta was the first time ever in my life people were shocked and scream with both of the hands raise up. haha. i meant a real life. i've seen it plg in a movie, but yang live lagi menggeli hati kan, haha apakans. khairul tuu punya pasal, apalerr..
alrighty then, soo mengantoks need to sleep, tadi at schoolah mengantoks berabis sayaa. fuhh! okeyy tata youu..

Sunday, July 5, 2009

hello hello sayang!
hehe. wahh tdi kami mcm masuk prison sajaa, bercheck pagi2 and they said that everyday buat catuu, haha. memang mengerikn siot! anyway..
tadi bahh, time our sir mengajar mathsD.. tengah2 ia mengajar atuu kami lagi separuh sadar, nya orang lamapau hanyut dbuai2 cuti cuti brunei, sekali nya sir high pitch tuu semua wahh tejungkat dari tmpat duduk, hahaha! orang terkajut akuu inda branti2 ketawa, you should see their faces, haha. fuhh buka2 schoolah dhh panats. how i miss shool. BTW have you heard of the word "careful with what you wish for" ??
well you see i wish to have a homework during school holidays, haha. but then school re-open first thing in the morning, sir gave us hw, haha. no regrets.. haha NO REGRETS it's not that i care soo much for that.
hehe. okeyy then see ya!
OHHyeA! forgot to tell, ichah gave me and the vainteens some cute pins for out tudung and a badge. cute! hehe thanks babe!
xoxo' riina

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Tuesday, June 30, 2009


hey there ya fella! WOAH! WAIT! that was 80's retro, haha
let me start it again

heyyy! WHAT UP Y'ALL!!!
haha, better. okey, so tadi we jalans ke yayasan. then meet si amirul, and then we play at uni-land, biasalahh tempat budaks remaja sekarang, so if we're still a 'couple' our aniversary is tommorrow, jadi si mirul bagi idea for to celebrate it, then behapa jua kn celebrate mun inda couple kn? haha, anyway kami celebrate aja lahh, just for fun, kami ku uni then si mirul poinred pat toys yang dalam machine atuu, ada doraemon! and no doraemon tuu g 38th, our birthdays and ada anniversary lagi tuu, haha. soo kami tried our luck lahh.. si mirul cakap ia inda penahh kn dapat wahh benda cane ne, almost hundreds of time he tried but failed jua, haha. then kami try lahh, 1st time inda dapat, then 2nd pun inda dapat, pasal salah takan butang, and then the third one, hmm guess what? DAPAT!!! haha.
happy ku ehh, ada lampu lagi tuu doraemon nyaa ahh, btw i'm a doraemon freak!
haha. this is the picture of mydoraemon

Monday, June 29, 2009

Pyzam Glitter Text Maker
Glitter Graphics Maker & MySpace Layouts


arghh! suppose to be, today is our school re-open day!, hmmph! miss my vainteens
anyway, tadi my sister jalans and she ask me to ironing her clothes,everyday since my cuti starts.. huhh macam amahh rasanya diri ini. so akuu terikahh lahh baju my sis tuu, sudah ia balik bejalan, di complain nya, inda bisai lahh, apalahh. lapas tuu everytimme ia balik bejalan mesti ada ada saja kan di complain, BTW we're talking bout' my 1st sis.. huhh. mesti kahh semua nyaa perfect? dirumah tuu macam aku plg housewife wahh, ia balik kaja "rina! terikah baju!", "rina! masak awal ne! abg mu kn makan","rina,sasah kn baju kaka!" sasak kah nda kamuu tuu? thank you ka, thanks for the comfort you gave me, but do you have to treat me like that? i'm on a holiday, can't you just give me a rest??
huhh.. i'm not complaining anything to you, i know you're tired too. but you ask for help from kaka alai, huhh nada makna ku buat cane pat blog mcm th ia membaca.. , i'm just tired! mmm.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

woahh, it's like lamaa sudah inda update my blog ini! haha
busy saja. hee. cuti ni, nada papa yang siukk. rinduu schoolahh kali ahh!
haiyaa. except hujung-hujung minggu baru tahh ada 'life' sikit, pasalnyaa babah's payday selajurr BONUS! haha, and guess what?? i brought a new LAPTOP!
it's not like a supr-duper laptop but atleast i got a new one, and my daddy was soo nice, he brought me a white gold necklace, hee with a love locket, nicee
hee. rinduu my temans.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

the girls who i call friends for life.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

today, ichah gavee us,the vainteens, a cute gift. and masa hari tuu juaa eff gave us a cute lil badge, hee. perasan guwee, kami tuu mcm bergilir-gilir membagi hadiah, haha esok siapa g bagi?? NGEHEHE.

and we got our 'houses' fo the smlk.
the vainteens nada bertamuu. ada lahh yg bertemuu, eff&emm. and baii with ichah. and me? alone! tak pee lahh. yg penting having fun. hope the best house win. we're thinking to walk together-gether, but ndaa tau dapat or ndaa. HUHU. last day kali ahh fo school. i mean hari sabtu ne lahh,hee.

and yeah there's one *itch who criticize my blog,sudah tah ndaa tauu apa2x, suka hati nyaa mengucap. i have my own right to post whatever i think&like. hey *itch, youu know nothing, who are you? perasaan diri tuu perfect, aku mempost cane pun biartahh wah, kauu peduli apa. mun rasanyaa diri tuu alum CUKUP sempurna, jangan tahh dulu ahh kan ngucap urg. menghabis kan air liur ja mengumpat, nada pedah nyaa. *to a friend yang berada di smsab yg suka hati nyaabecakap.

anyway, no emosi2x lerr, kng ada urg menagur hee. manner matters kaliahh. ndaa jaa?
WOAH cuti nee rindu ku kan my freinds nihh, the vainteens. huhu.

Monday, June 8, 2009



greetings earthlings!
hee. woah. like lama sudah tidaks up-date ini blog, my friend,eff complain wahh, haha. cana jua my internet connection nadaa, ane baru tah. anyway kebeelakangan ane, so many events kandi cerita kan. BRS, ceramah kerjaya, andd soo on.
anyway masa harisabtu kan, we have our ceramah kerjaya, ya allah at first we thought our counsellor ne peramah and yg penting mcm counsellor lahh, but INDA! he was soo rude, badwords wahh, well maybe stylenyaa catuu, but inda kan soo rude kan?? ish3x
and laterr nya we have BRS and our cca inda kami agalah, soo yeah teka lahh siapa guru nyaa? counsellor yg rude ahh, but he seems different lahh masa sesi BRS tuu, well better lah than our talk atuu.

and tadi si-lea absent, here the thing, asal ia inda sekolah byk ea miss perkara panats yg kami buat,haha duhh ABSENT apa maksud nyaa kan? haha, easy MISS. haha. anyway si baii tadi beteriak leh ku masa maths hahahaha!tapi ya allah sekali ia mencubit, SAKEET!!!
bnr2x ia mencuvit ahh. malu brabish yaa! haha.
siuk lahh, boleh tahan. haha.
anyway bth waa my e71 kn kna bagi neehh. ish.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

heyy you.
today i saw si panat danial at the hospital. i was there pasal my ipar punyaa abang got stroke,kesiann smpai ane alum sadar pat icu atuu. anyway,si danial tekezut haha, ia melawat nininyaa,AWW SOO SWEET.

andd sajuukk brabish di hospital atuu, sampai my foot jadi numb!
and my jacket tinggal,aiyaa sajukk maaah.
but then,mirul datang without telling me yang mauu datangs aand brought a jacket for me,i wondered how did he know? hmm.
anyway romantic plg, but WHATEVER. hahaa.

okeyy then. posting soon!

I got new mobilephone! E71,my dream mobile phone,like i want it soo badly,haha atlast!
Btw,today is "harijadi askar" me&&myfams went to a place where they celebrates it.
It was fun,watching the heli fly around they skies,haha. Really i mean it. Wish i can be in that heli and fly like a bird, lovebird. HEE.
But i was expecting the ghost house,every celebration we didn't miss it,but i didn't see any of it,hmm.
Wow,after that i was soo exhausted and my feets hurt cause' of the blister,pHew!

Thursday, May 28, 2009


my dad's payday today and we're going to have some SHOPPING!!!
i'm goona buy anything i want today! yea!
the best part is... nothing. idk whatheTUUTT i'm posting bout.
then AGAIN my sister bejalan and left me alone at home.
apa faedah nya ada kaka if ada masa or kaka yg pling tua kraja BEJALAN TAH YA TUU DENGAN KAWANNYA, sasakkk!
it was like having no sisters at all.
i'm always alone dirumah,no one care. asal ditanya kenapa kaka ku selalu bejalan,jawapan nyaa kawan ada problem. padahal ketara wa yg durg membawa melepak. apa guna nya ku dirumah ane kan???
i tried my hard to be strong, i don't wanna show that i'm weak.
my sis selalu pikirkan keseronokannya jaa,ia mau ia happy,mentang2 ia 20 tahun. ia selalu membangkit pasal umur nyaa,
i don't wana be rude tto her,as a sister she should be a 'role mode' to me,shows me how to be a better person,but she shows me a WHAT?
melepak,kasar and ndaa mauu menunjukkan yg ia bnrbnr mauu kn beidup one day,i meant future nyaa,
kenapa ya penting kna kawan nyaa lebih dari aku??
and sorry to say,ada masa last year, ia pernah tampar akuu pasal lakilaki,
ia kan jumpa that guy,minta dangani akuu but aku ndaa mauu, and ia paksa sampai ditampar nyaa ku!
what kind of sister is she?
i really hope she change herself, but when??
balumm adaa perkembangan.
jangan jaa ia menyasal if i'm not here anymore

HEYY, what's up, HEE.
today me and my friends the vainteens having a true confession bout' ourself BUT not that formal just a girls talk. ichah tried telling me to be confident to myself, and eff was just wondering why everytime we're having fight i always think about my mom, it's actually was a coincidence that make me remember my mom. it's not like begging for sympathy or what, it's just something related to it and make me remember, being the youngest one in my family was hard, no one listen to you and thought that you're still young to.. youu knoww like your ideas are just an immaturity subject.
talking to ichah and eff open my mind, they really know how to make someone feels good. baii and emm always make me laugh with their fights and stuff.
sometimes i rather spending my time at school just to get out of this dilemma,fuh!. i rather trust my friends who're there when i need one.
i'm having soo much trouble lately.
sometimes i thought ichah,eff,emm and baii were annoyyed by me.
i really hope that they didn't think that i'm over the top
but i think they understand me well, fo that i would like to say..
thank you soo much!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009




today me and my friends are soo DAMN WET!
it rains heavily just now at school, and some of the students have to walk home,
like OMG soo pity of them,
my dearest friend was absent today, YEAH LUCKY HER,
if chah sekolahh BASAH xEHH.

anyway, we're having soo much fun today,like siuk!
baii,emm and eff was like soo panats, LOL.
and eff brought cookies today, YUMYUM, siann chah miss the yummy
she made it by herself, next i wolud like to make some brownies and
give my precious ladies>VAINTEENS

anyway i'll give more post other time, kinda busy lately.


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

everyday i felt like, i'm "lower" than the others.
because of a stuff that i didn't mean to do, that i already did,
the blame was put on me.
ikno0w who i am, compare to the others. BUT i do have feelings.
i always take care of their feelings, and try my best to make sure they're okey.
BUT do they care what i felt?
i stayed in the toilet for almost AN HOUR.
but do they care?
while i'm in toilet, my heart started to beatfast again.
i don't know what kind OF DISEASE I have, but it ain't goin anywhere.

as a girl, sensitivity is our personality.
for the first time i have a bestfriends that understand me,
make no assumption bout my status,
poor or rich we don't care.

but i try my best to make my friends happy,care of their feelings
but it's okey, their happy so am i.

guys tend to hate me, even the person i WAS admired last few months,
but it feels hurt when you're the person he meant.
i always act happy in front of everybody.
but inside who know's what.
what do you felt when you lost your mom?
it hurts you right? think again,
it's not just hurting you, but you're losing your besteverfriend in you life,
the person who understand you the most,
the person who struggled for you to come out and see the colurs of world.
who also your MOTHER.

i'mnot begging for sympathy, just a simple understand will be enough.

everyday i felt like, i'm "lower" than the others.
because of a stuff that i didn't mean to do, that i already did,
the blame was put on me.
ikno0w who i am, compare to the others.
BUT i do have feelings.
i always take care of their feelings, and try my best to make sure they're okey.

BUT do they care what i felt?
i stayed in the toilet for almost AN HOUR.
but do they care?
while i'm in toilet, my heart started to beatfast again.
i don't know what kind OF DISEASE I have, but it ain't goin anywhere.

as a girl, sensitivity is our personality.
for the first time i have a bestfriends that understand me,
make no assumption bout my status,
poor or rich we don't care.
but i try my best to make my friends happy,care of their feelings
but it's okey, their happy so am i.

guys tend to hate me, even the person i WAS admired last few months,
but it feels hurt when you're the person he meant.
i always act happy in front of everybody.
but inside who know's what.
what do you feel when you lost your mom?
it hurts you right? think again,
it's not just hurting you, but you're losing your besteverfriend in you life,
the person who understand you the most,
the person who struggled for you to come out and see the colurs of world.
who also your MOTHER.

i'm not begging for sympathy, just a simple understand will be enough.


anyway,today was the last day of MYE!

GOD! at last, FIN! HOORAY!

now my rockstar mood is BACK.


Monday, May 25, 2009

me lovee :)

me lovee :)

me lovee :)

me lovee :)


soo tired today. lot of works to do.
anyway, got a little bit of misunderstanding with my friends.
OHH vainteens. ohh temans,


Sunday, May 24, 2009


heyy, this blog is owned by WHO? me!
i'm rina. and this is my everything.