Thursday, May 28, 2009

HEYY, what's up, HEE.
today me and my friends the vainteens having a true confession bout' ourself BUT not that formal just a girls talk. ichah tried telling me to be confident to myself, and eff was just wondering why everytime we're having fight i always think about my mom, it's actually was a coincidence that make me remember my mom. it's not like begging for sympathy or what, it's just something related to it and make me remember, being the youngest one in my family was hard, no one listen to you and thought that you're still young to.. youu knoww like your ideas are just an immaturity subject.
talking to ichah and eff open my mind, they really know how to make someone feels good. baii and emm always make me laugh with their fights and stuff.
sometimes i rather spending my time at school just to get out of this dilemma,fuh!. i rather trust my friends who're there when i need one.
i'm having soo much trouble lately.
sometimes i thought ichah,eff,emm and baii were annoyyed by me.
i really hope that they didn't think that i'm over the top
but i think they understand me well, fo that i would like to say..
thank you soo much!